Home of "Global Eco Traveling Eco/Media Certification"
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LiveEcoStyle, LLC - Global Eco Traveling, LLC
Live Eco Style Productions now on www.ExcitedMindsMediaTV.com
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Spearheading Growth with 150+ Channel Creators
Living Life - Celebrating Lifestyle
Robert Mills, noted traveler, mountain climber and world adventurer is living the Eco Minded Lifestyle every day. Robert is a contributor on our Excited Minds Media productions on Roku, and featured in our E-magazine "The Next Taste".
Live Eco Style celebrates life though travel, dining, growing and going ... personal experiences shared on a global scale, recognizing what we are destined to see and pass forward, sharing choices we can sustain in small and magnified ways.
You're invited to open the pages to our growing story
"Living Life - Celebrating a Lifestyle".

Global Eco Travel, LLC
Eco Certification
"Certification +Telling Your Story"

Sustainable Travel Studies found that 90% of consumers are looking for sustainable options when traveling; and half of consumers are willing to pay more for these sustainable options.
Findings indicate that over the last two years 7 in 10 consumers have avoided a travel destination or transportation option due to skepticism that their commitment to sustainable practices was real. https://syta.org/travelers-increasingly-value-sustainability/.
For more information and how to begin the process go to our Eco Certification Page.